
Delegation of Savvatievo mink farm visited recently build fur farm Vostok.

New pelting line is installed.Zveroplemzavod Savvatievo purchased the complect of pelting equipment produced by Jaso Pels company. The installation of equipment has been mase by CEO of the Seller - Mr. Paul Bach. Mr. Poul Bach has visited Savvatievo several times. This is the second line includes the drying equipment by Scandinavian type.

The leadership of Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo plans the next purchase of breeding stock for the season 2015-2016, from the reliable farmers in Denmark.

Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo successfully participated in the exhibition exposition “CHAPEAU 2015” that is taking place these days in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow.

The delegation of Zveroplemzavod "Savvatevo" attended the meeting, convened on the initiative of Svetlana Maximova,  Russian State Duma deputy, chairman of the non-commercial partnership "Union of Farmers and private farms of Tver Region".

LLC "Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo" from 19 to 22 August 2015 will participate in the international specialized exhibition of headwear «CHAPEAU -2015» (,which will be held at the following address: Moscow, Gostiny Dvor,Ilinka Str. ,4.

To Tatarstan for sable.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

The project’s elaboration of launching sable farm in Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo continues.

A large project in fur farming is started in Grodno (Belarus). The new farm, equipped with the most modern equipment for 40 thousand main herd with a yield of up to 200-250 thousand pieces of mink running will be this fall.

The director of Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo George Chetverkin and the executive director Vladimir Kudryavtsev visited their colleagues from Belarus.

Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo one of the first fur farms in Russia which began to buy, for use in the diet, well known in European farms additive Arbocell, manufactured by J. RETTENMAIER & SÖHNE GMBH.

The representative delegation of Savvatevo’s farmers was in Kaliningrad, at the seminar organized by the Association of Russian Farmers.

For the purpose of exchange of experience our delegation visited Zveroplemzavod Beregovoe (Kaliningrad region).

On 22th of May to Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo arrived guests from Belcoopsoyuz - the Head of Farming Department and Foreign Economic Affairs Sergey Elkind and Deputy Chief Gennady Popov.

Last year, the shipment of breeding mink cubs from our company to fur farm Magistralnyi took place.

The Director of Zveroplemzavod Savvatevo George Chetverkin and the executive director Vladimir Kudryavtsev were in Finland.